Carbon Monoxide Symposium
This is a true story told to us by one of our members in early December 2016. With this, our members decided to form an Ad Hoc Committee and conduct a few Carbon Monoxide Symposiums throughout Ashtabula County. Our hope was to create awareness, educate the public and hopefully prevent other families from going through such a tragic experience. Thank you to all of our members who supported this outreach effort. Special thanks to the presenters including; Dr. Elaina Williams, Ashtabula County Medical Center; Don MacBride, Dominion Energy Ohio; Claude Kobernik, Famous Supply, Chief Ed Kozial, Rome Fire Dept. and Tim Volpone, Ziegler Heating. Also special thanks to those who served on the committee and made this happen as well as the businesses that allowed us to use their facilities including, Ashtabula County Library, New Leaf Community Center and the Rome Fire Hall.